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Loki's Talking Cat Vlog, now featuring Laz the Zombie Cat. Visit the main site, for more videos, Loki's blog, Animinis and comics. Come meet Ensign Fraidy and Lil Cthulhu!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hai Koo!

Loki vlogs about "caffeenated cheezburgerz" and shares his mad hai koo skilz. Features "Oranj cat" "I can has sushi?" and "I has bugz". Also a few shoutouts, by no means complete.


One White Crow said...

Very tasty 'croissants'! Thank you. :-)

Loki said...

*whispers* Iz a secret reference to a Dennis Leary bit about the Americanization of the croissant. :) Prolly no one will notice but I know it's there.

About Me

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I iz a talking cat. I talks about aminal nooz and mai life storeez in mai video blog.